About Me


Fern L. Conn is a seasoned yoga teacher and wellness leader with over 35 years in the industry. As an advanced yoga practitioner herself, she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her teachings.Fern is particularly passionate about yoga nidra and meditation, practices that have deeply transformed her own life. Her compassionate and heart-centered approach creates a nurturing space for her students to explore these modalities and connect with their inner selves.In addition to her expertise in yoga and meditation, Fern is also a certified sound healer. She believes in the power of sound to harmonize the body and mind, and often incorporates sound healing into her classes and workshops.Fern is the proud owner of her own yoga studio - Dancing Lion Studio - located in Delray Beach, Fl.

Her studio serves as a sanctuary for individuals of all backgrounds and skill levels, and she takes pride in creating an environment where everyone feels welcome and supported. She leads teacher trainings and workshops as well. Beyond the studio, Fern is a highly sought-after motivational speaker and wellness coach. She specializes in working with women who are seeking heart-centered solutions to thrive and flourish in life. Her guidance and support empower her clients to embrace their true potential and live their lives with purpose and joy.As a podcast host, Fern shares her wisdom and insights on various topics related to yoga, meditation, and overall well-being. She has a loyal following who appreciate her authentic and empowering approach.

You can find "FLOURISH WITH FERN -MIND. BODY. SOUL" whereever podcasts are found!Fern also leads transformative retreats around the world, providing participants with an opportunity to deepen their practice and immerse themselves in a holistic wellness experience. Her retreats are designed to nourish the mind, body, and soul and often incorporate elements of nature and self-discovery.Fern's passion for continuous learning and growth is evident in her commitment to expanding her knowledge and staying up-to-date with the latest research and teachings. She is dedicated to bringing the highest level of expertise and care to her students and clients.With her warm presence, extensive experience, and deep understanding of the human spirit, Fern is a trusted guide and mentor on the journey towards self-discovery and holistic well-being.